Tuesday, 21 January 2014

26: Rough Cut

Ancillary 4: Digipak rules

This is the front cover to our digipak. As you can see it relates strongly to the feeling that we have portrayed in our video. Like in the video, we have used many bright colours, we have also tried to show the wacky feeling in the cover. I feel the this cover goes strongly with the with the video.
The rest of the digipak will contain photographs from sections of the film. These photographs will be edited in a way that makes sure they keep up the synergy with the wacky front cover.
The above font (pulp fiction) goes well with the other fonts that we have carefully picked for the rest of the digipak, we shall also make sure that the colours come across the same.

Ancillary 3. Research

Ancillary 2: Fonts


Basic sans sf


Greyhound sf


Pulp Fiction


Stylistic SF


Courier new





 Chosen Fonts 


Pulp Fiction


Courier New


Why I have picked the fonts that I have:
I have chosen these fonts as I find they are particularly memorable, this is exactly what I want as I want people to remember my music video. They also have something a bit fun about which makes them more of a pleasure to read. The front cover is going to have the font "Pulp Fiction" this is because it is so big and bold with it's sharp corners to symbolize the simplicity that we are trying to portray when someone views it.  

Ancillary 1. Digipack Cover

Above is the current digipak cover for Kids by MGMT.
As you can see it is very simplistic, and has a slight old school feel to it. The writing looks like it could be a shot from an old news paper as some of the black in it is patchy. It is big and clear, yet has a rustic feel to it.

The above image is the front cover to there latest 2013 album. As you can see, they have used a more different approach and gone for a happier more chilled out feel. It is certainly less in your face than the art work for "MGMT Kids", as shown above.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

24 & 25

We are currently editing our video, and we have filmed the footage.